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Production Technology

Regarding technological orders in the production, we work a lot with detailed instructions including pictures to ensure easy understanding by the workers.

We work on continuous improvements of our products for optimising the technical parameters, cost structure, and complexity of the parts.


Výrobní technologie - vakuová manipulace
OMS - technologický postup (Operational Method Sheet)
Výrobní technologie - vrtačka příklepová AKU
AIR POWER s.r.o. - přípravek umožňující velmi přesné otáčení svařovaných rámů

Testing Technology

The company has a dedicated testing department that ensures 100% quality of the product's technical parameters and their flawless visual side.


Konfigurace a testování stroje
Konfigurace a testování stroje
Konfigurace a testování stroje

Research and Development

The R & D department uses professional CAD software that enable 3D and 2D designing, creation of drawing documentation, photorealistic visualization, product animation and advanced document and data management.

A centralized data management system enables the team to work efficiently over assemblies incl. their individual parts.

2D navrhování
3D modelování

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